UMKC Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation earns major international awards for entrepreneurship and enterprise creation

The Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at UMKC’s Bloch School recently earned two awards from the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC) at the 14th Annual Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers conference on Oct. 23. Winners in five award categories were announced, each of whom was selected by a panel of peer center directors. Winners in these categories are considered to be among the top centers in the world for entrepreneurship.

UMKC’s Institute earned two of the five international awards: Exceptional Activities in Entrepreneurship Across Disciplines and Outstanding Contributions to Enterprise Creation.

The Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers is the premier leadership organization addressing the emerging topics of importance to the nation’s university-based centers for entrepreneurship. It has become the industry vehicle by which the top, established entrepreneurship centers come together to share information, develop programs and initiatives, and collaborate and assist each other in advancing, strengthening and celebrating the contributions and impact of university-based entrepreneurship centers.

“We are honored to have our work in entrepreneurship and innovation recognized by our peers with these prestigious awards,” said Michael Song, executive director of the Institute. “Our research shows that on average, an entrepreneur will create 512 jobs in his or her lifetime.”

“Through the Institute, UMKC is one of the few universities in the U.S. offering entrepreneurship degree programs at all levels. The Institute’s unique combination of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and discipline-specific education helps students learn and grow across all disciplines, whether studying business, law, engineering, arts, music or health sciences.

“We are also a leader in enterprise creation, providing a comprehensive entrepreneurship ecosystem to help students go from learning to launch. We are one of the few programs in the nation that requires all undergraduate entrepreneurship students to start and manage a venture while getting their degree.”

“The national and international successes realized by the Institute are an excellent realization of the Bloch School’s vision to become a globally preeminent school of management,” said Bloch School Dean Teng-Kee Tan.

“Since the Institute’s founding in 2005, more than 50 successful student ventures have been launched,” said UMKC Chancellor Leo Morton. “This proves the Institute is doing great work in nurturing the next generation of entrepreneurs and helping to build the economy in Kansas City and beyond.”

About the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IEI) is part of the University of Missouri-Kansas City’s Bloch School of Business and Public Administration. The Institute’s mission is to inspire and nurture entrepreneurs and innovators through transformational education and research. The Institute’s vision is to be a global leader in creating and disseminating knowledge to advance entrepreneurship and innovation.

About the University of Missouri-Kansas City

The University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC), one of four University of Missouri campuses, is a public university serving more than 15,000 undergraduate, graduate and professional students. UMKC engages with the community and economy based on a four-part mission: life and health sciences; visual and performing arts; urban issues and education; and a vibrant learning and campus life experience. For more information about UMKC, visit You can also find us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and watch us on YouTube.

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