Our Students. Our Story. #UMKCGoingPlaces

Denton Williams wants to make higher education his career

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Communications Studies (Interpersonal Communication Emphasis) | College of Arts and Sciences | 2018

Why did you choose UMKC?

My best friend from high school (in Richmond, Missouri) went here. I visited other colleges, and they didn’t feel right. UMKC felt like home. I can’t see myself having gone anywhere else.

What’s one word that best describes you?

Outgoing. I love talking to other students and forming connections. I work in admissions as an orientation leader and I absolutely love meeting all the incoming students and hearing about what they’re excited or nervous for, and being a familiar and friendly face for them throughout the year.

What are your lifelong goals?

I came to UMKC and realized I didn’t want to do theatre. I want to go to grad school for a student-affairs degree and work in student involvement or work as director of Greek life at a school the size of UMKC. Ultimately, I want to get a Ph.D. and be a dean of student involvement.

What got you into your field of study?

Being part of orientation got me thinking about it, talking and listening to student affairs staff and their stories were so similar to mine. They really rang true for me so that’s where I am today.

What motto do you live by?

You are enough! You are so enough, it’s unbelievable how enough you are! From American theater actress and singer Sierra Boggess. I live by that because it makes me feel prepared to take on the day, even if I know it will be a long day. It’s inspirational, and makes me feel like I can handle whatever’s coming my way.

Since entering college, what have you learned about yourself?

I’m from a small, mostly white, rural community. UMKC has totally opened my mind and let me see the world in a brand new light.

Are you a first-generation college student?

I’m not technically. I will be the first to finish a degree and pursue a graduate program, though. My parents are very supportive and made me aware that I have more options than just a four-year university.

Do you belong to any student organizations?

I’m really involved in Sigma Alpha Epsilon and I’m on the executive board for the interfraternity council, and with Active Minds, a mental health organization.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received from a professor?

“Do what’s right for you.” It feels simple, but it rings so true.

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