Editorial: A word of advice for Gov. Eric Greitens – sign one bill and veto two

Greitens should greenlight UMKC’s downtown arts campus.

The agreement for a public-private collaboration on the $96 million project was not hammered out on Greitens’ watch. Discussions began during former Gov. Jay Nixon’s tenure. So we understand that the governor is being asked to fulfill someone else’s promise.

But the project deserves support based on the merits. And donors in Kansas City quickly came through with their portion of the agreed-upon funding. The House and Senate overwhelmingly voted to allow the state to borrow $48 million through a bond issue to complete the financing of the project.

Once completed, UMKC will move its Conservatory of Music and Dance to a site south of the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts. The new, state-owned facility will be a game-changing addition to UMKC’s arts programs and a jewel for Kansas City. Read more.

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