• December 4, 2024


Grand Finale
April 15
1 - 4 PM (CST)
Grand Finale

Topic: 2022 Spring Hack-A-Roo Grand Finale 

Time: April 15 (F) CST 1-4 pm at Miller Nichols Library #151 and Zoom:  https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/2174320035?pwd=b1lRVTZ1enpYYWQ3dzVacFBiRC9CUT09 (passcode: UMKC)

  1. Finalist will present their projects and winners will be selected by the Judges. 
  2. Event will take place in MNLC 151 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (for UMKC students to join in person).

Join Zoom Meeting

Phase 1
April 11 (M) Midnight
Submission Deadline
Project Submission

 (Deadline: April 11 (M) Midnight)

The project Submission for the all tracks will be due midnight on .. (CST).

Student will need to submit their code, video, and presentation by this deadline.

Project Submission Forms

  1. IT/CS Track https://forms.gle/QedgLE6scPosVjsG9
  2. T-Mobile AR/VR Track : https://forms.gle/C2Y9xAFukFUWsXNb6
  3. Business/Communication Trackhttps://forms.gle/rnUNmcc1c4vHztk57
  4. High School Trackhttps://forms.gle/3zv7Gweka3HcHrp9A


Evaluation Guidelines: https://info.umkc.edu/hack-a-roo/evaluation/ 

April 8​
Registration Deadline
Hack-A-Roo Kick-off

April 8 (F) CST 1-2 pm at Miller Nichols Library #151 and

Zoom: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/2174320035?pwd=b1lRVTZ1enpYYWQ3dzVacFBiRC9CUT09

(passcode: UMKC)

The project registration for the all tracks will be open  April 8, 2022, from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (CST). 

  • Introduction to the Hack-A-Roo by Prof. Shah
  • Introduction to E-Scholars by Prof. Boots
  • Guest Speakers from Industry Partners
    • Gharib Gharibi from TripleBlind
    • Craig Moore II from Venture for America
    • Scott Jacka from T-Moble
  • Poster Design Competition
  • Registration for the Team (Deadline: 4/8): https://forms.gle/ocg1jSPG6fquwd3M9