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COVID Communications: Making the Most of the Mask

Event Details It is an uncomfortable time. We can resist this discomfort or embrace it. In choosing the latter, might we experience a greater sense of presence, creativity and connection in the classroom? Might we find that masks have the potential to reveal rather than hide our authentic selves? This session braves our new reality […]

Making Courses Format Flexible for Fall – Seriously?

Event Details The need to design our courses as format flexible this fall is bringing anxiety for many. Format flexible adds intentional online elements to the course structure, so should there be a need to transition, we teach and students engage in online learning rather than remote learning. Join us for a conversation on the challenges […]

Compliance or Community-Building?

Event Details Compliance or Community-Building? How to Help Students Hold One Another Accountable for Covid-19 Safety in the Classroom Description - This session will offer tips for establishing classroom community for safe and conducive learning environments. Focus will be on norm-setting and establishing expectations in which students hold one another accountable for meeting the norms […]