Caroline Fogg

Caroline Fogg of California Chose UMKC for Its Conservatory

Dance Performance, with emphasis on modern and ballet | Conservatory of Music and Dance
Graduation Year: 2015

Why did you choose UMKC?

I wanted to study dance in college, and the UMKC Conservatory of Music and Dance was highly recommended as the best of the best. I grew up in the Los Angeles area, which emphasizes commercial dancing over concert dancing. I love the opportunities UMKC and Kansas City offer: the Kansas City Ballet, Alvin Ailey, the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, “The Nutcracker.”

Describe a day in the life of a UMKC dance student.

You dance every day — a lot. Sometimes 6 to 8 hours on the weekdays and sometimes the same amount on the weekends. I recently completed 11 shows in one week. It’s challenging but I love it.

“I want to dance professionally as long as I can and continue to share my passion for life and dance with others.

What are your lifelong goals?

I want to dance professionally as long as I can and continue to share my passion for life and dance with others.”

What motto do you live by?

Take one day at a time. Enjoy the moment.


What got you interested in dance?

I was born pigeon-toed. Doctors said to dance or play soccer to correct it. I fell in love with dance.

Do you still get performance anxiety?

Yes. There’s lots of excitement and adrenaline, which makes it hard each time. To deal with it, I stay backstage, remain quiet and drink lots of water.

How has college inspired you?

College has inspired me to be more outgoing as an artist and performer, and my dance professors have given me so much inspiration from their own experiences. I am so thankful for their continued support and direction these past 4 years.”

What’s your greatest fear?

As a dancer, not being everything I know I can be. I’m hard on myself.