Editor’s Notes

This special issue of the A&S E-Zine had its origins in a comment made to the editor in December 2009 that the format of the then new E-Zine did not permit the sharing of scholarly and creative activities that either could not be captured by links to online content or otherwise in a format that was not suited for the E-Zine. As a consequence, I pledged that I would publish a special issue where all A&S faculty and units could provide material on a particular accomplishment during calendar year 2009.

The original call for submissions went out in January, published in the E-Zine and was included in correspondence with chairs at several points between January and the end of May. The result is an impressive mix of activities that, while not comprehensive, does provide an interesting sampling of our College’s academic accomplishments.

I thank the chairs and the faculty who responded and helped create this issue. The Editor alone is responsible for the manner in which the materials submitted have been presented to our readers.

Next Issue

For those who have already submitted materials (or plan to do so) for the next regular E-Zine, it will be published in late August or early September. Please provide a brief summary with links to where more information can be found electronically. Thank you for your contributions.
Send items to Neumand@umkc.edu.

— Dale Neuman, Editor

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