Note from the Editor
Thursday, September 20th, 2012Since we began in 2009, at the request of the then Dean Karen Vorst, we have published 19 issues of information about a wide range of exciting and interesting activities of faculty, staff and students that have come to our attention. We have also helped applaud the achievements and recognitions garnered by those in the College. It has been fun and, I hope, found worthy of the hard work contributed by those who have helped make it possible. I have had help from many but the one who has quietly worked behind the scenes to make it into the attractive look at the College you have seen, Linda Smitka, would not let me credit her efforts. Our deal was that when my run was over, she would let me do so. So now I want to applaud Linda for making the Zine so visually attractive (and for catching all of my oversights). Thank you, Linda.
I will continue my duties with the UMKC Truman Center for Governmental Affairs, join the School of Social Work as Interim Chair through July 2013, and continue editing the UMKC Retirees Association Newsletter. Dale Neuman