Current Issue (2023)

2023 Full Issue
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Beginning Level

Ilus W. Davis Competition Winner:

Scanlon, “Saving the Damned”

Instructor: Dr. Leah Edens


Rowan Long, “Analysis of Analog Horror and its Relationship to Horror of the Past”

Instructor: Prof. Jacob Jardel

Emily Balentine, “Bleached Mexican”

Instructor: Prof. Amanda Trout

Briana Tolbert, “Talkative Literacy Lessons”

Instructor: Dr. Leah Edens

Intermediate Level

Ilus W. Davis Competition Winner:

Isabelle Schroeder, “Oral Tradition: The Lakota Way of Remembering”

Instructor: Prof. Maggie Warren


Alanie Rivera, “The Mutualistic Relationship Between Individualistic vs. Collectivistic Cultures and Writing Studies”

Instructor: Prof. Amanda Trout

August Forck, “Is Academic Writing Accessible?: An Evaluation of Comprehension”

Instructor: Prof. Hayden Baker

Abby Mauldin, “Investigating the Literary Canon: What makes a novel or play a timeless classic?”

Instructor: Prof. Jacob Jardel

Advanced Level

Ilus W. Davis Competition Winner:

Rebecca Lampe, “Not Another Dumb Blonde: A Feminist Standpoint Theory Analysis of Lorelei Lee from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Instructor: Dr. Linda Kurz


Monica Kelne, “Maria Gaetana Agnesi and her direct influence as a woman on mathematics in the eighteenth century”

Instructor: Dr. Richard Delaware

Notes on Contributors

Click here to read about this year’s collection of student writers.