House Representative T.J. Berry of Missouri’s 38th district stopped by Dr. Cantrell-Walker’s Discourse 200 class last week to discuss political rhetoric, the challenges of representing a diverse population, and the importance of millennial voter turnout among other topics. Discourse 200, a core requirement at UMKC, examines how diverse communities evaluate and transform people, communities and institutions. Berry, a father of two college students, stressed the importance of community participation.


“Do you know the typical percentage of voter turnout among Millennials?” asked Berry. “Around 20 percent. If you aren’t voting, why should legislators invest time understanding your needs? The bottom line is, if you’re not participating in the conversation, your concerns are not going to be heard.”

Berry further explained how special interest groups use vague and misleading language to confuse voters. He passed around two recent fliers that circulated in his district right up until the recent Missouri veto session this month.

“Here are two direct mailers. One says I voted for “Right to Work.” One says I voted against it. Now how is that possible?”

Berry encouraged students to be independent and informed thinkers.

“Choosing a party just because your parents belonged to it is a poor reason. Go out. Do your own research on issues. Make up your own mind and speak it.”

Berry is the chair of the Select Committee on Utilities and was elected to the Missouri House of Representatives in 2010.

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