What the ({V}) is V-Day and Why does it Matter?
by Matiara Huff The Vagina Monologues is an episodic play by Eve Ensler. The plays are based on the stories of over 200 women who… Read More »What the ({V}) is V-Day and Why does it Matter?
by Matiara Huff The Vagina Monologues is an episodic play by Eve Ensler. The plays are based on the stories of over 200 women who… Read More »What the ({V}) is V-Day and Why does it Matter?
By: Amanda Johnson Every 2 minutes, someone is sexually assaulted in the United States. Nearly 1 in 5 women and 1 in 22 men will… Read More »April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, And for Good Reason.
By Amber Charleville After the recent events of Maryville, a story so close to home (Maryville is an hour and a half north of Kansas… Read More »The Prevalence of “Rape Culture” in Today’s Society
By Emily Mathis In October, I wrote about how the FBI’s rape definition was out of date and needed revising. Well as of a couple… Read More »Update: Rape Definition