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Transwomen in Prison

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By Zaquoya Rogers The Netflix series “Orange is the New Black” highlights many different female experiences that tend to occur in prisons across the globe. They portrayed the problems of women in prison within every… Transwomen in Prison

Black Dolls Matter

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By Korrien Hopkins Dolls play a pivotal role in the development of girls. I remember going to Toys R Us with my family to use the gift cards our uncle had given us for Christmas.… Black Dolls Matter

Being Called White-Washed

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[youtube][/youtube] This video featuring Anna Akana, is a very good explanation of the difference between calling persons of color or POC white-washed and a Hollywood film. The most important statement to take from this video… Being Called White-Washed

Zendaya Barbie Doll

By Matiara Huff It’s true! Barbie is coming out with a Zendaya doll that will be modeled after Zendaya’s 2015 Oscars outfit. This was consider Zendaya’s most controversial outfit because of her faux locs. If… Zendaya Barbie Doll