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Transwomen in Prison

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By Zaquoya Rogers The Netflix series “Orange is the New Black” highlights many different female experiences that tend to occur in prisons across the globe. They portrayed the problems of women in prison within every… Transwomen in Prison

Kat Blaque

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By Matiara Huff Kat Blaque is an incredible Youtuber activist. As a Trans women of color, she has taken it upon herself to educate people on issues unique to her Identity. Her videos range from… Kat Blaque

Leave Your Lipstick At Home

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By Courtney Neaveill “Gwyneth Paltrow lipstick lesbian”: Google that and you will get over two pages of results – all of which reference a recent interview that Ms. Paltrow gave with Harpaar’s Bizarre. The 39… Leave Your Lipstick At Home