By: Emma Stuart
Welcome to Back to Basics! In these posts, we break down feminist concepts for readers curious about feminist vocabulary, concepts, and ideas! Today’s question is:
“What is Patriarchy?”
Patriarchy is defined by Oxford Languages as “a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.” Due to most modern societies being patriarchal, women are restricted access to the power and privilege that is attributed to men. Feminists and advocates for gender equality have consistently fought against the values that have been enforced by patriarchal societies.
“How am I impacted by the patriarchy?”
The patriarchy affects everyone in many aspects of our lives. It impacts the lives of women and men all around the world in countless ways but here are a few examples:
- Men are not allowed to show emotions, and if women do, they are ‘out of control’.
- Women are perceived as objects by the world.
- Sexual violence perpetrated to and by all genders, and sexual violence committed against masculine people is not taken seriously.
- Inequity of pay for preforming the same jobs.
“How can I oppose the patriarchy in my life?”
Tackling the patriarchy is not an easy job to do but here are some small ways that we can work against it:
- Make sure to educate yourself and keep your mind open to growth.
- Challenge the expectation of gender roles but continue to respect all gender expressions.
- Hold leadership accountable.
- Don’t be blinded by your anger, it is important to acknowledge your anger but don’t let it control you.
- Support all women, non-binary, and trans people’s careers, their success is your success don’t make it a competition.
The patriarchy is a constant presence in our lives, and it can be a great burden to bear. However, do not let it control your life and drag you down. Surround yourself with those who lift you up and support you to lighten this load. If you want to learn more about the patriarchy and its effects click here. And if you want to learn about more basic feminist topics check out our post on the myth of “man-hating feminists” , intersectional feminism, and body positivity.