by Matiara Huff
If you haven’t heard Beyoncé’s new song yet, I have provided a link here. This song is very obviously a call to action, there are so many hidden references in it that it’s almost hard to keep up. This link explains some of them. However, even before she released this song Jay-Z announce TIDAL’s $1.5 million donation to Black Lives Matter

and other social justice organizations. Then following the songs release, she did her incredible Superbowl 50 performance with all of its hidden and obvious meanings also listed in the link I have provide above, all during black history month. These events are more than a coincidence.
It was also more than just a history lesson or a call to action. I am positive that the queen was trying to subtly say way more. The only way to fully understand what she is saying is to first #knowyahistory. This past weekend a friend introduced me to a documentary called Hidden Colors, which is the only reason why I suspect a deeper message, and because of it I have even been doing more research on black history. This documentary is a must see for people of color; it is an accurate and detailed description of our history. We are currently at a very crucial point in time, and we have the ability to actually change our future. Because of that, it is mandatory that we learn our history so that we can understand our real power, and this documentary is a great place to start.
There has been a lot of talk lately in the black community about receiving reparation for slavery, and it needs to stop. The absolute worst possible thing that can happen to this movement right now is receiving reparation. As they pay out, everything will die down. People will say that racism and institutional racism are over and it will be written in the, already white washed, history books that racism has ended. Here’s what will really happen: People of color will receive a couple thousand dollars each, which will look like a lot of money, but it won’t be enough to live a decent lifestyle. The money will then mostly be spent on things owned by the same people that made their wealth on our backs, and we will still be in the same state that we are right now. Then in a decade or so will have to start this whole movement over again,
only this time it will be way harder because everyone else will claim that we fixed racism with those reparations. Don’t let this cycle repeat itself!
The only real solution first begins with truly learning our history then slowly rebuilding our communities without the help of other people. The Knowles-Carter Family gave large donations to jumpstart the process and other celebrities of color will soon follow suite. The best line from Queen Bey’s new song is “Always stay gracious, best revenge is your paper”. As a community we have to get the best revenge and that begins with BLACK-OWNED EVERYTHING.