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This is Why Violence Prevention Education is Important

VioPrev-logoRGBBy Maritza Gordillo

I came across this article on Facebook and it is just shocking.

One of the fraternity brothers of the Phi Kappa Tao at Georgia Tech decided to write an explicit email to his fellow frat brothers giving “tips” on how to get girls at parties. He explains the “7 E’s of Hooking Up,” and this, to me, is just offensive. How is it possible to talk about women in this form and how is it that we are portrayed as some toy to play around with and then afterwards get rid of? At the end of his email he states, “IF ANYTHING EVER FAILS, GO GET MORE ALCOHOL. I want to see everyone succeed at the next couple parties.” Then he signs: “In luring rapebait, [name redacted].” So, if you can’t get with a girl that is sober, then just get her drunk?

Everything about this email is wrong. We are not sex objects; getting a woman drunk and having sex without her consent is considered rape. This is unacceptable and we cannot tolerate these types of messages coming across our campuses or communities.  I hope this young man understands the implications this e-mail has brought to him and to others, and can understand that this is not funny.

There are many resources at UMKC to help those who have been the victim of sexual abuse (and any other types of violence). For more information about our Violence Prevention and Response Program, please visit

To see the full article and email go to

Since the email has been publicized, the fraternity brother who wrote it has issued an aopology. To read about his apology, go to