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Short-Film Addresses Women’s Equality in Revolutionary Egypt

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By Armelle Djoukoue


Gender inequality in Egypt is a big issue. In April of 2011 Belgian feminist and women’s rights activist, An Van Raemdonck, traveled to Cairo and interviewed Egyptian women’s rights activists. She inquired with Egyptian women about what the revolution in Egypt meant to them and how they intended to advance women’s rights in the midst of political turmoil. The women interviewed by Raemdonck are all engaged in women’s rights movements, some as heads of established organizations, and others as younger activists within new groups. You can watch footage of the interviews in Van Raemdonck’s short-film Women and the Egyptian Revolution. The content of the film focuses on women’s rights activism and discusses the advancement of women’s equality in Egypt during the revolutionary process and in the specific context of political transition. In many countries women are afraid to fight for equality; this is an educative short-film that demonstrates the courage it takes for some women to fight for their rights.