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Board Member Spotlight

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The UMKC Women’s Center is blessed with a wonderful group of women and men who serve as members of the Chancellor’s Advisory Board to the Women’s Center (CAWBC). They dedicate their time and energy to making the Center and the world a better place — and make my job not just easier to do, but enjoyable. Our Board truly is the envy of many of my colleagues around the country, as well as an asset to the Center and UMKC.

We recently decided to use this space to highlight the fabulousness of our Board members — we’ll bring you news of their accomplishments and other updates. For the first post, we’re linking to an article in the UNews, featuring Karen Vorst, Dean of UMKC’s College of Arts & Sciences (“A Day in the Life of a Dean“). This is actually a double feature, since the author of the article, Tara Kloeppel, is a former Board member, having served as the student representative to the CABWC in 2007-08.
If you’re a Board member, please send me updates, articles, etc. to include in this space. If you’re someone who’s lucky enough to know one of these amazing women and men, contact me if you would be interesting in writing a guest spotlight post for us.