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Indian Activism Goes Global

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By now, I’m sure many of you have read about the attack on women drinking in a bar in an Indian college town (if you haven’t, see this article for details). The group who perpetuated the attack has also threatened to hold a campaign against Valentine’s Day.

In response, a group of Indian Feminist Activists organized the Consortium of Pubgoing, Loose and Foward Women, who are hosting the Pink Chaddi Campaign in honor of Valentine’s Day. What is more astonishing than the bravery of these women is the speed with which the campaign has grown. Launched on February 5, 2009, they now claim over 28,000 members worldwide). Their call for women to send Pink Chaddis (panties) to the group responsible for the attack and to go to a pub on Valentine’s Day has also grown into a worldwide movement.
In honor of V-Day, which we celebrate in February to help end violence against women, and Indian women, I hope you will also take part in the Valentine’s Day action. Here are the details:
On Valentine’s Day we do a Pub Bharo action. Go to a pub wherever you are. From Kabul to Chennai to Guwahati to Singapore to LA women have signed up. It does not matter if you are actually not a pub-goer or not even much of a drinker. Let us raise a toast (it can be juice) to Indian women. Take a photo or video. We will put it together (more on how later) and send this as well to the Sri Ram Sena.
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