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Bite Me

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In case you’ve been buried under a rock lately, you may have missed the latest pop culture hit for girls and women all over the U.S. – the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. Featuring a teenage girl who falls in love with a fellow student at her high school only to find out he’s a vampire, the books follow this dramatic love story to its climax in the fourth and final book, Breaking Dawn.

To get a sample of the primarily female mania surrounding this franchise, take a look at the following article that discusses fan reaction to the male star of the movie premiering this weekend:

Mainly I’m posting this because I do think it’s relevant to many of our students. For any of you who follow The Chronicle (a weekly newspaper that focuses on higher education), you’ll see that one or more of the Twilight books has been in the top ten books students are reading for several months now.

Anyone else have comments about the mania that is Edward Cullen?