Tag Archives: Inequality

Education Among Predominately Black Community Lags Behind

Poverty and education are incredibly linked to one and other. One can directly determine the other in most cases. In the Graph, it shows the educational attainment for 4 blocks along Troost, tracts 86 and 91 on one side and 87 and 90 on the other. From this figure, we see that on the side with 86 and 91 have a high educational attainment, with the majority having at least a bachelors degree or masters. The other two show a very different story, with the majority having a high school diploma, if that. It is not surprising that the less educated side is the side that almost half the population is impoverished. It is also not surprising that this side is 88% African American. This is yet another ripple in a long history of social injustice and is a huge indicator of the negative feedback loop which is this community.