Prospect Avenue From Linwood Boulevard to E 34th Street Census

My blocks extend from Linwood Boulevard to E 34th Street on Prospect Avenue.  These blocks lie within the bounds of census tracts 54 and 56.01 (56 in 1950).  These demographics of these census tracts have changed drastically over time.  In 1950, the ethnicity of 99.5% of the residents was white, but by 2000 over 90% of the population was characterized as African American, and by 2010 around 90% of the population was characterized as African American.  At the same time, the median income adjusted for inflation increased for the census tract 54 but decreased in census tract 56 or 56.01.  The bounds of census tract 56 changed from 1950 to 2000, being cut approximately in half.  This may have skewed the data for quantitative data such as the number of dwellings.

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