Muying Cui
In China, Muying Cui Learned About UMKC
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | School of Computing and Engineering
Graduation Year: 2016
Where is UMKC taking you?
UMKC is providing me more opportunities I wouldn’t have at other schools. Employers are more willing to come to campus for our events. I went to one of our career fairs, and I was able to get an internship with the KU Medical Center doing customized web applications.
Why did you choose UMKC?
UMKC has an excellent computer science program, and the courses are perfect for the career path I wanted. I looked into what the professors here are researching, which were exactly what I was wanting to get involved with. Being in Kansas City meant I had opportunities to get hands-on experiences and internship opportunities.
“A famous actor I like in China went to Mizzou, so I looked into the school. I wanted to go to college in a city, but my parents didn’t want me to go to a huge city like New York, so I discovered UMKC was in the same system as Mizzou. It turned out Kansas City and the computer science program were both perfect for me.”
What led you to UMKC?
It’s a funny story, actually. A famous actor I like in China went to Mizzou, so I looked into the school. I wanted to go to college in a city, but my parents didn’t want me to go to a huge city like New York, so I discovered UMKC was in the same system as Mizzou. It turned out Kansas City and the computer science program were both perfect for me.
What are your lifelong goals?
I just want to be supportive of my friends and my family. I like to make sure everyone is happy. I’m such a positive person, and it’s important to me to make sure people feel valuable.
What motto do you live by?
Work hard, play hard. I learned that from my boss at my internship. He was such a great mentor who has taught me so much about life. He’s always willing to listen and offer great advice.
What do you admire most at UMKC?
Connections. As a university, UMKC is not only a successful institute providing extraordinary education and research opportunities to students, but also a well-established community where everyone is connected to each other.
What excites you?
When I see smiles on other peoples’ faces. Smiling makes me happy, and it lets me know everything is all right.
What inspired you to pursue a career in computer science?
Back in high school, I was really good at mathematics. When I researched job opportunities for people in math, I didn’t think there were a lot of options for me. I was already working on web development in high school, and I realized that computer science combined all of my interests, so I’d combine both of what I love.
What tips would you share with new international students?
Don’t be afraid to talk to other students. It’s OK to make mistakes when you’re meeting new people and still getting used to the language. Be active and go to activities with friends and classmates. Also, get a driver’s license. You’ll need one in Kansas City.
What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received from a professor?
Be brave. Before I set up my mind to do something, I had always hesitated about my ability and then eventually missed the chance. But that was in the past. Now, I have grown up at UMKC, and my professors and friends have encouraged me to be brave to gasp all the opportunities that have presented in my life.
Do you have any mentors?
My professor, Dr. Praveen Rao, has created so many learning opportunities for me. I’ve been able to work on research with him on data mining. He’s created a path for students to get more experience and learn about the topic.
What are your favorite things about Kansas City?
The barbecue, the fountains and the people — they’re much nicer here than anywhere else I’ve been.
What is one word that best describes you?
Positivity. I want to make everyone around me happy and I want to have the positive vibe inside me all the time. Bad things happen sometimes, but with positivity, it is easier to get over them and move back to the right track.