Jacob Hockman
Tireless Competitor
Master of Business Administration, 2019; Bachelor of Business Administration, 2017 | Henry W. Bloch School of Management | Hometown: Centralia, Missouri

You were on the U.S. team in the Deaflympics in 2017 in Turkey. What was the experience like?
I was ecstatic when I found out I made Team USA. It is a great honor to have the opportunity to represent our country and to be able to further the cause of deaf athletes, and to share my journey to show how much work has been put into my training.
How long have you been deaf?
I was born deaf, completely in my right ear and almost completely in my left ear.I’m a twin. And when we were about six months old, we had a squeaky crib. My brother reacted normally to the sound. I did not. The doctors, whenever they told my parents, they said they weren’t sure what I’d be capable of.It changed my family. My sister became an audiologist because of me. And being deaf informs who I am. I’ve lived all of my life trying hard in all situations. It’s given me a great work ethic.
“I learn best by watching and doing.”
Why did you choose UMKC?
It’s well known for its business programs at the Bloch School, and I had the opportunity to compete in intercollegiate athletics in track and field.
Why did you choose business?
I chose business because of the vast possibilities it yields as it applies to all fields out there and allows ample opportunity to engage with others every day. I chose a psychology minor because of my interest in the human brain and behavior, which additionally, I would hope enhances my ability to conduct business with others and be more understanding.
What are the challenges and benefits of business?
The challenges are that there is a lot to read about in case studies and a vast number of concepts to wrap your head around like accounting, finance, entrepreneurship, marketing, management, etc. Business has a lot of different tangents and it can be difficult to be proficient in all areas. However, that’s part of the beauty; you do not have to be.
The benefits are that business is one of the top hirable fields out of college as well as one of the better compensated in average starting salary. More importantly to me, it yields a well-rounded individual and is great for establishing connections and meaningful relationships. The program really emphasizes improving communication skills and public speaking.
Since entering college, what have you learned about yourself?
I find I have a much greater focus on what I want to go into career wise and that I like the small town feeling vs. living in a big city.
What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received from a professor?
Question everything, be a skeptic. It encourages developing new solutions and outside-the-box thinking. This especially helps in the creative thinking process.

Who do you admire most at UMKC?
Henry Bloch. He is a generous philanthropist and he co-founded one of the largest tax firms out there, which takes a lot of heart and dedication.
Are you a first-generation college student?
No, my mother was the first, but I will be the first male in the family to get a graduate degree.
What’s your greatest fear?
Being stuck, not getting anywhere and not improving myself in whatever pursuit it may be at the time.
What are your lifelong goals?
To own or run a business or small nonprofit working with people who have disabilities.