Online Student Orientation

University of Missouri-Kansas City

Get Started

Academic success in an online course or program requires the use of various technology. To prepare to use these technologies effectively, familiarize yourself with the technical assistance resources at your disposal.

You may also enjoy this video welcoming you to UMKC and this list (PDF) of helpful information and interesting facts to help you learn about life as a Roo.

Username/Single Sign-On (SSO)
Each UMKC student receives a Username/Single Sign-On (SSO), which provides access to Canvas, Pathway, student email, computer labs, wireless, and many other resources.

UMKC Username Information

Change or update your password.


Canvas is the learning management system that brings you together with peers and instructors in an online classroom environment. UMKC Canvas can be accessed at You will need your SSO information.

Student Email
All official university communications are sent to your Microsoft Office365 student email account. Students are strongly encouraged to check their UMKC email regularly for important announcements and information. You can access your email account from any web browser and email programs, such as Microsoft Outlook.

Access Student Email.

If you need help accessing your student email, visit the email support page.


Pathway provides UMKC students with access to the course catalog, registration, bill payment, personal information, degree record, transcripts, and enrollment status.

Access UMKC Pathway

Student Pathway Help

UMKC Connect
UMKC CONNECT is a central location for faculty, advisors, student services and students to communicate and collaborate on a strategic plan for each student’s academic success and keep students connected with campus resources that are an important part of their academic achievement.

UMKC Connect and Early Alert

Expectations for Online Students
The Board of Curators recognizes that academic honesty is essential for the intellectual life of the University. Faculty members have a special obligation to expect high standards of academic honesty in all student work. Students have a special obligation to adhere to such standards. In all cases of academic dishonesty, the instructor shall make an academic judgment about the student’s grade on that work and in that course. The instructor shall report the alleged academic dishonesty to the Primary Administrative Officer.

Student Conduct – UM System

Students in online courses and programs are expected to conduct themselves in a civil and professional manner in all online communications.

Guide to Netiquette (YouTube)

Take the survey to see how ready you are for online learning.
Online Readiness Survey

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Please review this Guide to your financial aid package (PDF). If you have questions about financial aid, contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at 816-235-1154 or 

Cashiers Office

Please review these Next-steps-from-the-Cashiers-Office (PDF), as well as this Guide to FERPA and Additional Authorized Access (PDF). For additional help, contact the Cashiers Office at 816-235-1365 or

UMKC Technology Support Center

(816) 235 – 2000