Online Student Orientation

University of Missouri-Kansas City

Campus Resources

Students in online programs or taking online courses have access to the same library, bookstore, and academic resources as on-campus students. You may also want to review this more extensive list of Campus Resources (PDF) prior to beginning classes and view this video outlining the services offered from the Violence Prevention and Response Program Office, Campus Safety and Health and Wellness.



University Libraries
There are many ways to connect with a professional UMKC librarian for research assistance.

Ask A Librarian

You may also schedule a Research Coaching Session, which can be done online or in person.

Learn how to use databases and other research tools, borrow or request an item, manage your library account, and much more at this one-stop library resources page.

Requests and Services for Students

Services for Distance Students

Interlibrary Loans

UM System Academic Technologies
UM System Academic Technologies manages and develops online learning and distance education delivery systems including Canvas, Panopto, etc.

UM System Academic Techologies

Technology Support Center
The Technology Support Center provides faculty, staff, and students with state-of-the-art information technology by offering a wide range of computing, multimedia, telecommunications systems, and networking facilities. The Technology Support Center administers technology including university email, user accounts (SSO), hardware support, etc.

Technology Support CenterPhone: (816) 235 – 2000


UMKC Bookstore
UMKC Bookstore

Phone: (816) 235-2665
Fax: (816) 235-1443

For more information about the services and resources the UMKC Bookstore offers, review this UMKC Bookstore quick-guide.

Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
The Student Affairs and Enrollment Management office works with students in different capacities. In addition to the programs, services and activities developed by the offices within the division to support student success, the division itself offers opportunities for graduate students who want to gain practical experience in an urban campus environment, particularly for students in the master’s of higher education program. Many of the offices in the division offer Graduate Assistantships to students interested in working in higher education to help develop programs that support student engagement and success at the University.

Student Affairs & Enrollment Managment

Campus Maps
UMKC is spread across several campus sites in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. Use this maps to orient yourself to important campus locations.

UMKC Campus Maps

Before parking on campus, please review this Guide to UMKC Parking for more information on parking passes, lot locations and more.