Policies & Related Information

Click on the applicable link below to learn more about UMKC’s policies and guidelines.

Discrimination and Harassment [Includes Sexual Misconduct]
Free Expression 
Consensual Romantic Relationships
Standards of Faculty Conduct 
Student Standard of Conduct 

Discrimination and Harassment
Both University policy and applicable state and federal laws prohibit all students, employees, volunteers, and visitors at the University from engaging in discrimination or harassment on the basis of any protected identity characteristic, including race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, protected veteran status, or any other status protected by applicable state or federal law. In addition, University policy and the law prohibit sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking on the basis of sex, dating violence, and domestic violence.

Related University policy applies to any phase of UMKC’s employment process, any phase of UMKC’s admissions and its financial aid programs, and all other aspects of UMKC’s educational programs or activities. Additionally, University policy applies to allegations of prohibited misconduct occurring in other settings, including off-campus, if there are effects of the conduct that interfere with or limit any person’s ability to participate in or benefit from the University’s educational programs, activities or employment.

Defining Prohibited Conduct
To review the policy definitions of each form of prohibited conduct below, visit Definitions.

  • Sexual Harassment under Title IX
  • Sexual Exploitation as Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Coercion as Sexual Assault
  • Incapacitated Sexual Contact
  • Stalking
  • Dating Violence/Domestic Violence
  • Discrimination on the Basis of Protected Identity
  • Harassment on the Basis of Protected Identity
  • Retaliation

University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations Chapter 600 – Applicable to Discrimination and Harassment Occurring On or After 8/14/2020

For more information on discrimination or harassment at UMKC, visit Equity and Title IX, or to make a report of a possible policy violation, visit Making a Report.

Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education

Missouri Commission on Human Rights (State)

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Federal)


Free Expression
UMKC recognizes that it is vitally important to foster and maintain an educational environment that promotes free discussion, inquiry, and expression by students and employees, in the context of the classroom and beyond, without fear that their exercise of such rights will have negative repercussions in areas over which the University has responsibility.

Guiding Principles for Free Expression
UMKC has established Guiding Principles for Free Expression to provide advice to University offices and officials responsible for implementing policies relating to free expression at UMKC, and for evaluating proposed or actual behaviors that occur in connection with events or activities within the scope of these policies. These Principles are also intended to assist members of the University community in understanding legal principles relevant to the exercise of the rights of free expression, free speech, assembly, and protest on the campus of the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations – Policies Related to Free Expression

For more information on free expression at UMKC or to report a possible violation of University policy, visit Free Expression.

Consensual Romantic Relationships at UMKC
UMKC has established a policy on consensual romantic relationships among students and employees. To protect the integrity of the University academic and work environment, consensual romantic relationships between members of the University community are prohibited when one participant has direct evaluative or supervisory authority over the other because such relationships create an inherent conflict of interest, and may result in favoritism or exploitation.

University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations – Policy on Consensual Romantic Relationships

For more information or to report a possible violation of this policy, visit Consensual Romantic Relationships or Making a Report.