Required Training

Students: U Got This!
U Got This! is an interactive online video-based program that provides critical information about sexual harassment, domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, alcohol abuse, consent, bystander intervention, and more. U Got This! will help you better understand how vitally important these issues are and what you can do to help make our campus safer.

All new UMKC students are required to complete U Got This! If you have experienced sexual misconduct or have related concerns about completing this training, please contact Michelle Kroner at or 816-235-1652.

If accommodations related to a disability are necessary to complete this training, contact Student Disability Services at 816-235-5612 or

Employees: Equity in the Workplace: Eliminating Discrimination and Harassment
UMKC’s ongoing commitment to support and promote inclusion, respect, and diversity is upheld, in part, by ensuring members of the University community are educated and informed through annual training. This module covers topics related to discrimination, harassment, and Title IX, as well as University policies. This training course takes about 40 minutes to complete; there is no mastery test associated with this module but it must be completed every year. 

Need support? If you have trouble logging into Percipio, contact your local IT help desk for technical support. If you have technical issues with the training, or questions about training content, please contact the HR Service Center at (800) 488-5288 or via email at

Accessibility: If you would like the support of assistive technologies (e.g., screen reading software, shortcut keys for all mouse actions, alternative images to replace animated graphics, elimination of screen refresh rates between 5Hz and 55Hz), check the Web Accessibility box when logging into Percipio.