Archive for the ‘Staff’ Category


Saturday, January 29th, 2011
Years of Service Awards:
Ann Hubbard Political Science – Admin. Asst. 15 years
Tanya Henderson Mathematics – Admin. Asst. 15 years
Sara Ballew Economics – Program Analyst 10 years
Jewell Allers Student Services Coordinator, PACE 10 years
Stella Szymanski AUPD   5 years
Dennise Todd Advising – Advisor   5 years

New Employees:
Mary McDonough Administrative Assistant Geosciences
Gregory Rozell Academic Advisor Advising

A&S Staff Member of the Year Recognized at A&S Convocation

Friday, November 19th, 2010

In 2009, Dean Karen Vorst initiated a new annual award, the Staff Member of the Year Award, in order to recognize and celebrate an A&S staff member each year who best exemplifies the characteristics of being Respectful, Responsible, Resourceful, Receptive, Responsive, and Reasonable. We are pleased to report that the A&S Staff Member of the Year for 2010 is Patty Wolverton. She received her award at the September 15, 2010 A&S Convocation.

Patty joined UMKC in June of 1989, working as Assistant Supervisor in the Transportation Department until 1994 when she transitioned to a new position in the A&S Dean’s office. Patty’s official title is Human Resources Facilitator, and her main role is to serve as the primary source of support and training for all support staff in the College. Of course, we all know that Patty does much more than that, and that she is an invaluable resource to the College, especially on issues related to hiring, payroll, and personnel management. A fun fact about Patty is that during her 16 years in the dean’s office, she has worked with three different deans and two interim deans!

In her life away from UMKC, Patty has displayed a variety of interests and talents.  A native of Kansas, she was involved in and played fast-pitch softball until she was 40.  She had trained as a hairstylist and once hoped to have her own beauty salon. Now her hobbies are painting, making craft items, camping, dancing and enjoying her family. She has three children and 10 grandchildren.

Three other A&S staff members were also recognized for their efforts in 2010 and given certificates of appreciation and gift cards. They are: Nan Darnell (Social Work),Sherry Neuerburg (English) and Heidi Updike (Philosophy).

A&S Staff News

Friday, November 19th, 2010

Two A&S Faculty retired at end of AY 2009-2010

We report the retirements of Jim Falls (History) and    Gary Holcombe (Theatre) and wish them the very best for what they now move on to do.

New Staff

  • Mary McDonough — Administrative Assistant
  • Gregory Rozell — Academic Advisor

Years of Service Awards

  • 5 years: Stella Szymanski

A&S Staff News

Monday, October 11th, 2010

New Staff

  • Steven Siegel  — Sr. Research Design Engineer

Years of Service Awards

  • 30 years: Connie Powell
    (Dean’s Office)
  • 10 years: Cecelia Brewer
    (APP Coordinator)
  • 10 years: Cynthia Stofiel
    (Theatre Dept)


Lester Porter,  (Physics) Senior Research Design Engineer retired on July 30, 2010 after 15 years of service to the College of Arts and Sciences.  Les worked to design and build scientific equipment for both Physics and Chemistry faculty, as well as researchers at the Stowers Institute.   Les trained faculty in the research shop, and a few generations of students on safe and effective machining practices in the student shop.  He brought much needed improvement to the existing machinery, expanded the shops’ capabilities and also making them more responsive to the users’ needs.  Les also helped members of the Society of Physics Students build impressive demonstrations such as the giant vortex generator and the electromagnetic can crusher.

A&S Staff News

Monday, April 26th, 2010

Years of Service Awards
5 years: Dennise Todd, Academic Advisor

A&S Staff News

Monday, March 15th, 2010

New Staff

  • Alicen Lundberg — Administrative Assistant
    (Art and Art History)
  • Rheneashion Atkinson — Office Support Staff II
    (Continuing Education)

Years of Service Awards

  • 10 years: Sarah Ballew — Program Analyst Expert
  • 15 years: Linda Smitka — I-Net Administrator
    (A&S Dean’s Office)

A&S Staff News

Saturday, January 30th, 2010

We welcome these new staff:
Teresa Crew – Administrative Associate I – High School College Program
Kathleen McCoy – Administrative Assistant – Geosciences
Ladonna McCullough – Administrative Assistant – Black Studies Program

And we congratulate Lester Porter (Physics – Senior Research Engineer) who gained his 15 years of Service Award in December.

Welcome New A&S Staff

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

We welcome the following staff new to A&S:

  • Amy Brost — Administrative Aide (History)
  • Ashley Kaine — Editorial Assistant II (New Letters)
  • Rashmi Pagadala— I-Net Administrator (Dean’s Office)
  • Amanda Seley — Administrative Associate I (Psychology)
  • Jennifer Simpson — Senior Secretary (English)

Farewell to Retiring Staff

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

Rita Messina

Sandra Meyer

Sandra Meyer

Two A&S administrative assistants are retiring by the end of 2009. We wish Rita Messina in Geosciences and Sandra Meyer in Art and Art History the very best in their retirements.

First Winner of New Award for A&S Staff Announced

Monday, November 23rd, 2009
Jennifer Underwood

Jennifer Underwood is the first recipient of the new staff award in Arts & Sciences

Jennifer Underwood, a UMKC employee since 1981 and currently Administrative Assistant in Communication Studies, was recently selected from among the many nominations submitted as the recipient of the inaugural (2009) College of Arts & Sciences Staff Member of the Year Award.

The award criteria are that the staffer must be: Respectful, Responsible, Resourceful, Receptive, Responsive, and Reasonable. The selection committee was comprised of two faculty members and three staff members from the College. To read more about Jennifer and the department she so ably serves, go to:

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