Archive for the ‘Fast Facts’ Category

Fast Fact

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

In FY 2009, A&S budget funds covered almost $1,600,000 in GTA stipends and $143,000 in GRA stipends. (This does not include stipends covered by external grants.)

Fast Fact

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

In Fall of 2007, there were 2,504 students with declared majors in A&S. In Fall of 2009, that number is 2,908—an increase of 16.1 percent.

Fast Fact

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

In FY 2009, A&S budget funds provided $237,000 in fee remissions for graduate students serving as teaching assistants and research assistants. (This total does not include fee remissions made available through the School of Graduate Studies.)

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