Archive for October, 2010

AUP+D Has Moving Experience in Summer, 2010

Monday, October 11th, 2010

It was in July that the moving van pulled up to Epperson House and moved the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning + Design to Katz Hall!  As of mid-August, the spaces all came together and look terrific. A very BIG thank you goes to Dick Ahsmuhs for his untiring focus on securing furnishings for the new building. UMB Bank has donated furnishings that grace the offices, reception areas, and studios. The idea of using signature pieces in offices and common areas has also been supported by the furniture donations from UMB Bank. The gifts have made an incredible difference to the department.

Michael Frisch (AUP+D) reports that he raised over $12,000 from the Local Initiatives Support Corporation to support his studio.  A story on the work was recently published in the Northeast News:

A&S Grants and Awards

Monday, October 11th, 2010

May 2010

Total: $314,124
Eaton,Peter James KCMO Neighborhood Housing Conditions 2010 Kc Mo Dept of Housing and Community Dev Economics $100,000
Frisch,Michael Revitalization Strategy for Independence Avenue Local Initiative Support Corp AUPD $29,700
Stoddard,Elizabeth Roth Inquiry Science Through Observation, Reasoning, and Meas Mo Dept of Higher Educ Physics $18,142
Kline,Katie Maureen Greater Kansas City Writing Project Continued Funding Ap Natl Writing Project Corp English Language & Literature $46,000
Kline,Katie Maureen Urban Sites Network mini-grant Natl Writing Project Corp English Language & Literature $5,000

June 2010

Total: $61,000
Eaton,Peter James Keep Kansas City Beautiful 2010 Bridging the Gap Economics $6,000
Stewart,Robert J New Letters Website Redesign and Development 2010 Mo Arts Council New Letters $5,000
Caruso,Anthony Nicholaus Investigating Electron-Hold Pair Creation and Lifetime Amer Chem Soc Physics $50,000

July 2010

Total: $1,603,901
Jean,Yanching Jerry Investigating Nanofiller/Polymer Properties in Nanocompo Natl Inst Standards and Tech Chemistry $55,692
Jean,Yanching Jerry Upgrading Two-Dimensional Positron Annihilation Spectros Chung Yuan Christian Univ Chemistry $60,000
Adegoke,Jimmy Omoniyi Interactions and feedbacks Nasa Johnson Space Ctr Geosciences $223,008
Nandan,Monica Contract for MSW Level Educational Training for Public C Mo Dept of Social Svc School of Social Work $132,731
Ching,Wai Yim AB Initio Modeling of Thermomechanical Properties of Mo Dept of Energy Physics $99,975
Goggin,Kathleen African Americans in Health Science Research Nih Natl Inst of Health Psychology $1,000,000
Goggin,Kathleen TICIPS:HIV/AIDS, Secondary Infections and Immune Modulat Nih Natl Inst of Health Psychology $24,995
Smith,Deborah Mo Family Development Credential Program Expansion Childern’s Trust Fund Sociology & Criminal Justice $7,500

August 2010

Total $435,808
Eaton,Peter James Green Jobs Survey 2010 Full Empl Council Economics $20,963
Davies,Caroline Pickens Safe Drinking Water from Atmospheric Moisture Env Protection Agency Geosciences $10,000
Caruso, Anthony Understanding the Electronics Structure of the A-B5C:HX-T Defense Threat Reduction Agency Physics $198,702
Davies,Caroline Pickens HIV Testing in African American Churches Nih Natl Inst of Mental Health Psychology $159,178
Murdock,Tamera B KC-AERC: Transition to Post Secondary Education University of KS Ctr for Research Psychology $46,970
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