Honors Program Celebrates 30 Years

Gayle Levy, director,  Honors Program

Gayle Levy, director, Honors Program

The UMKC Honors Program just completed its 30th year of activities. Established in the College of Arts and Sciences in 1979 with 12 students by its first director, Bruce Bubacz (Philosophy), the program now serves almost 90 students campus-wide. Forty-four percent are A&S students; 16 percent are in Biological Sciences; 11 percent in Education; 9 percent in the Bloch School; 9 percent in Pharmacy; 5 percent in Medicine and the rest in other schools with undergraduate enrollees.

Several A&S faculty have served as Honors Directors or Co-Directors: Joan Dean (English), Harris Mirkin (Political Science), and Dick Murphy (Physics). The current director is Gayle Levy (Foreign Languages and Literatures) and the associate director is John Herron (History).

John Herron, associate director, Honors Program

John Herron, associate director, Honors Program

Honors students come to UMKC with high expectations, high ACT scores (the average for those entering in 2009 was 30), and have the opportunity to be part of a living-learning community in Oak Street Hall. They leave with high achievements, often with double or triple majors. They have been active in the Southwest Early College Campus math and science program and publish their own journal of undergraduate research, LUCERNA.

For more, go to: http://cas.umkc.edu/honors

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