Doctoral Program in Sociology at Bowling Green State University

The doctoral program in Sociology at Bowling Green State University is ranked in the top 20 nationally by the National Research Council, in part because of high research productivity and superior student outcomes. We have four areas of concentration in the PhD program: Criminology, Demography, Family Studies, and Social Psychology. Students entering the doctoral program without an MA will complete one along the way. We also offer a terminal MA degree in Applied Demography.

Below are several unique features of our program that prospective graduate students will find particularly attractive:

  • Financial support for domestic and international students through research and teaching assistantships that include full tuition scholarships and 20 hour/week stipends. Current academic year stipends are $12,000 at the MA level and $15,000 at the PhD level. Summer stipends are also available. Students in the program may also apply for funds to attend and present papers at national conferences.
  • Opportunities to work closely with faculty as research and teaching apprentices, and to collaborate with faculty and students on research projects, many of them resulting in co-authored publications.
  • Small graduate seminars led by highly productive faculty offer advanced training in our four areas, in addition to cutting-edge and highly marketable analytic techniques.
  • Highly supportive graduate student and departmental culture. Our students report that they find the department both supportive and challenging. The active Sociology Graduate Student Association provides opportunities for meaningful participation in departmental governance and other issues affecting student life.
  • Opportunities to affiliate with federally-funded research projects and two major research centers housed in the department: the NIH-funded Center for Family and Demographic Research<> and the National Center for Family and Marriage Research<>. The centers provide many resources to students, including: research assistantships, colloquia series, training in statistical programming, and opportunities to network with prominent scholars from other universities.
  • Strong placements in academic and research positions at universities, government agencies, business firms, and research centers.

Explore our website<>, which contains detailed information about our program, including the application process. Visit us on Facebook<> and follow us on Twitter<>.

Questions? Please contact Dr. Stephen Demuth at (419-372-7260 or<>) or any faculty in our department for more information about opportunities in our program.

No Implied Endorsement by UMKC


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