Sociology Ph.D – Purdue University

The following was sent to UMKC Department of Sociology by the Director of Graduate Studies at Purdue University:

We have a strong and vibrant graduate program here at Purdue, we fully fund all admitted students, we have a supportive community of graduate students. We have excellent faculty who help students thrive, publish, and get good jobs after obtaining their PhDs.  We want prospective graduate students to know more about our program.

We have designed a website to do just that:

At this website you can find out more about why prospective sociology graduate students should consider Purdue.  Potential applicants should also visit the departmental website at:

and click on the “graduate” tab to find out more specific information, including how to apply for admission. Our application deadline for the fall of 2017 admission is December 31, 2016.

As noted above, we especially want to emphasize that we give full financial support (tuition remission, stipend, and health insurance) to all admitted graduate students. We have excellent faculty who are active in obtaining grants (that fund students), publishing, and editing journals (three sociology journals are based in our department). Almost as important, there is a strong network of social and intellectual support among graduate students (including bowling nights and dessert Tuesdays, study groups, and lots of informal advice giving). We have a high graduation rate, our graduate students learn to publish regularly and a high percentage of our graduates get academic jobs (70 percent in tenure-track academic jobs and another 20 percent in non-profit and for profit research positions).

Our department has six major foci of faculty research interests: Family and Gender; Health, Aging, and the Life Course; Law and Society; Social Movements and Political Sociology; Sociology of Religion; and Social Inequality.  We also provide training in classical and contemporary theory, qualitative and quantitative research methods including the most recent longitudinal, multilevel, and structural equation modeling methods.

Interested?  Want to know more?  Please visit the web pages listed above for more detailed information about our graduate program in sociology. Also, pass this e-mail on to anyone else who you think might be interested in applying.

Thanks so much for your time. If you have questions of a technical nature, e.g., related to the application process, contact the Sociology Department Graduate Secretary, Nicole Remley,  If you have more general questions about our graduate program or this email, do not hesitate to contact me, Dan Olson, the Director of Graduate Studies for Sociology at .

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