Youth Volunteer Corps VISTA position

We have an AmeriCorps VISTA position available in which a member will serve for one year to provide support to identify, launch, and develop resources for new Youth Volunteer Corps programs across the U.S. that will create high-quality service experiences for 11-18 year olds. The perfect candidate would be someone who wants to make a difference and is comfortable and confident talking to anyone, anywhere!

I have posted this opportunity on your career services portal as well but I wanted to ask you directly to please forward the link below to anyone you think might be a good fit. I know it’s an odd time of year to recruit for a full-time position but we just found out we had this slot available. Please consider any recent graduates you are still in contact with.

VISTA Affiliate Expansion Coordinator<>

Thank you very much for your time.


Paul Marksbury, Affiliate Services Coordinator Youth Volunteer Corps
1025 Jefferson Street, Kansas City, MO 64105
816-472-9822 x204 ▪
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