ICSI Data Dashboard
This interactive dashboard includes data submitted to the International Center for SI from Accredited SI Programs. The dashboard provides insights into total attendance, DFW rates, and average GPA by sessions attended across different institution sizes, academic disciplines, and more. The data represented here will update as we continue to populate data submitted to us.
This tool allows you to explore various metrics by simply clicking on individual charts. For instance, you can see the DFW rate for business courses at small institutions by ctrl-clicking on “Business” in the top-middle pie chart and “<10k” in the middle-right column chart. You can shift-click or ctrl-click additional areas to add them to your filter individually, or ctrl-click them again to remove them. Click any blank area or the “back” arrow at the top of the dashboard to reset your filter.
Data Templates
Submitting Summary Reports Electronically
Once you have completed the Summary Report tab in the Excel file below, e-mail it as an attachment to Please also e-mail that address if you have any questions about the form or emailing attachments.
Summary Report Templates
Beginning in April 2017, the International Center for SI changed its definition of SI/non-SI groups, breaking down SI attendance further to report GPA/DFW outcomes in terms of students who attended 1-4 SI sessions, 5-9 SI sessions, and 10+ SI sessions.
Below is the new SI Summary Report template that we require all programs (including Accredited Programs) to use to report their data to the International Center for SI. This file automates the process, making the data reporting process easier for institutions, and giving us a common form to use to add data to our national database. We ask that the data you submit to us is an Excel file, since it is much more difficult for us to process data from outputs like a PDF. Please view this video tutorial to see how the automatic features work. If you have any questions about any of the files offered here, please e-mail
Click the below buttons to download each data template Excel file. Note: The SI Summary Report uses macro features, so be sure to accept the option to enable macros that appears after opening. You may need to open this page in Firefox to download the Course Summary Report Template.
Why are there two data reporting options?
We provide both options for schools to report data because we know different programs prefer different ways of looking at the data. Feel free to use whichever works best for your program and your institution.
Which one do I need to use if I want to submit my data to the International Center?
Either one. Both provide the information we need. We also ask that you submit data to us as an Excel file, since it is much more difficult for us to process data from outputs like a PDF.
What if I don't have all the information the spreadsheet requires? Can I still submit my data?
The data that we must have to include your program in our database are the following: total course enrollment, total SI group enrollment (1+ session), average GPA of each group (all SI, 1-4, 5-9, 10+), average GPA of non-SI group, total students receiving DFWs in each group (all SI, 1-4, 5-9, 10+), total students receiving DFWs in the non-SI group.
On what scale are the GPA values calculated?
We calculate GPA values using a 4.0 scale with + and – values. We use the following values: A=4.0; A-=3.7; B+=3.3; B=3.0; B-=2.7; C+=2.3; C=2.0; C-=1.7; D+=1.3; D=1.0; D-=0.7; F=0.0.