MLDS: Sustaining Leadership III Cohort
The Missouri Leadership Development System (MLDS) is a continuum of learning and supports provided to school leaders from aspiring to retiring. In addition to content available for aspiring school leaders, five levels of support comprise MLDS: New Leaders Year I, New Leaders Year II, Sustaining Leadership Year III, Sustaining Leadership IV and Transformational Leadership V & VI.
Sustaining Leadership III Cohort:
The Missouri Leadership Development System (MLDS) Sustaining Leadership III Cohort provides principals: Training and support through research-based learning experiences, opportunities to develop formal and informal professional networks. MLDS Sustaining Leadership III includes four regional meetings which provide practical, relevant learning as well as one coaching lab providing hands on experiences to improve skills in assessing school culture. Participation in New Leaders/Emerging Level content is a pre-requisite for this course. If you are in your first years of school leadership and did not participate in New Leaders content, please contact the RPDC Leadership Development Specialist, Tamara Moore-Callahan at to discuss your best cohort placement.