
KCRPDC -Union Station
30 W Pershing Road Kansas City MO US


May 01 2024


8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Cultural Competence and Educational Equity

Children/people of color (and special needs) are disproportionately treated inequitably in American society, and what we may see in our society begins in our schools. In Schools students of color are disciplined, suspended and expelled at far greater rates than their Caucasian peers. In community settings and in judicial/correctional proceedings, this is also the case. In this session, educators, among others will be introduced to key aspects that are required to become culturally competent adults/educators who embrace and practice equity. This highly interactive workshop includes the exploration of how and why racism and discrimination are so difficult to eliminate (“White Fragility”), the difference between Equity and Equality, the various notions of School Climate, School Culture and the wider Community Culture. In order to map the territory to reach a destination of far more equitable treatment for all, different ideologies of Cultural Diversity will be shared, as will the relationship between Racism and Discrimination, anti-racist perspectives, the differences between Explicit and Implicit Bias and ultimately, how we can impact our classrooms, schools, workplaces and all community settings to become truly equitable places to work, learn and socialize led by culturally competent , anti-racist and non-discriminatory individuals who function in institutions free from racism and discrimination.

COST: $75 RPDC Member, $90 Non-Member

Cancellation requires a 48-hour notice

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