Our campaign creates opportunities and provides resources to enhance proactive self-care strategies among students, staff, and faculty. We also provide guidance on how to recognize distress in others and how to respond when necessary. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of wellness in our approach to mental health by providing education on the relationships between mental health and sleep, physical activity, nutrition, relationships, and more.
Please explore our website to learn more about our initiatives and mental health topics. Register to attend our online Lunch-n-Learns or watch the recordings.
Follow us at #roosformentalhealth for more information about mental health and our mission to cure stigma.
Arnold Abels, Ph.D.
Director & Clinical Coordinator
UMKC Counseling, Health, Testing & Disability Services
5110 Oak Street, Suite 201
Kansas City, MO 64112
Direct Line 816-235-1218
Front Desk 816-235-1635