Welcome to the new semester!

Welcome to a brand-new school year, Roo family!
As a student-centered, urban-serving university, our community of students, faculty and staff at UMKC are committed to each other’s learning, growth and success.
Our challenge, today and every day, is to fully live that commitment. This is how we will deliver on our mission of learning, discovery, research and service.
As members of our community, we are calling on you to be leaders in the progress of metro Kansas City, the state of Missouri, our nation and our world. This is our expectation for all of you, from the incoming freshman class to the most senior members of our faculty.
In return, we pledge a commitment to you.
We commit to fostering and modeling a culture of caring at UMKC, in which we strive to treat each other as members of a healthy family. Members of a healthy family care for each other and support each other. They also challenge each other to constantly give and be their best, and hold each other accountable. This should be the essence of the UMKC experience for students, faculty and staff.
For students, this commitment includes doing everything we can to guide and support you on steady progress toward completion of your degree; and to provide a stimulating and rewarding campus life experience where you feel welcomed and appreciated. We will meet you where you are, and support your efforts to reach your goals.
For faculty and staff, we pledge to foster a culture of open inquiry and dialogue; to act with integrity and accountability; and to respect the human dignity and diverse social and cultural identities of all.
For all members of this community, we pledge to be invested in the success of the community, and of each individual in the community.
Together, we can make the 2019-2020 academic year our best year ever. Roo Up!
C. Mauli Agrawal, Ph.D.
Barbara Bichelmeyer, Ph.D.
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Chris Brown, Ph.D.
Interim Vice Provost for Student Affairs – Dean of Students