Welcome to Fall 2016!

By , August 23, 2016 4:47 pm

Convocation2016Welcome to the Fall 2016 semester!  For some of you, this is your first adventure and I hope you’re more excited than you are nervous!  For others, a new semester is like coming home; meeting up with old friends and making new ones, checking off another requirement on your path to graduation, and getting ready for your next adventure.

Whether you’re a new student or returning, these first weeks are very important:  they set the tone for the rest of the semester, so start now to plan for the type of student you want to be!

  • Read the syllabus.  Seriously.  This is your class contract and has loads of information about expectations, grading, resources, and due dates.
  • Plan your day.  Make time for classes, studying for each class, breaks, meals, sleep, work, working out, and having fun.  Scheduling everything helps you see where your time is being allocated–kind of like a budget; you can’t save when you don’t know what you’re spending.
  • Be present!  When you say you’re going to do something, do it…and mean it!  Whether it’s studying for an exam or volunteering your time at the Kangaroo Pantry, make the commitment to be committed.
  • Get involved in at least one student organization.  Studying is important, but take the opportunity to join a group of people who are just as passionate as you.

Finally, know that you matter and that your success is as important to us as it is to you.  There are many resources on campus and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Good luck this semester!

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