By , August 30, 2010 10:40 pm

(This information is provided by Dr. Jim Murowchick, Associate Professor of Geosciences and Director of SEARCH: Students Engaged in Artistic and Academic Research, a program especially for undergraduate students.)

Are you interested in exploring a topic beyond what you’d cover in class?  Would you like to conduct research or work on your own scholarly creative activity?  SEARCH (Students engaged in Artistic and Academic Research), UMKC’s undergraduate research program, can help.  SEARCH offers advice, assistance finding a mentor, and through a competitive grant program, support (up to $1250) for undergraduate research projects.  A brief application (including a proposal and budget) submitted to SEARCH will be reviewed by a panel of faculty mentors to determine awardees.  Application forms are available from the SEARCH website or from

An excellent opportunity to learn more about SEARCH is the SEARCH Kickoff, noon-1pm on Friday, September 3 in room 106 at the University Center.  Hear from past SEARCH students and mentors, followed by a time for questions and answers.  Please RSVP to  See you at the Kickoff!

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