Relaxing to Stay Focused Seminar
As the semester winds down are you becoming more stressed? Do you feel like you have a lot on your plate and do not know where to begin? Do you have a hard time focusing as the semester comes to an end? This week we will be discussing the importance of remaining relaxed in order to stay focused. Relaxation is key to reducing stress. Students will learn the difference between eu-stress and distress. We will also discuss ways to reduce negative stress in our lives so we are better able to stay focused and relaxed. Come and enjoy a presentation from the Mind Body Connection on how to relax and what resources they offer to students.
This Week’s Seminars are: 11/15 Tues 12:30pm 11/16 Wed 3:00pm All Seminars will take place in the Student Union room 419.Next Week’s Seminar: Preparing for Finals. Click here for the semester schedule. Seminars are mandatory for students on financial aid contracts, Bloch Scholars and Osher Scholars. Each session lasts approximately 50 minutes. Students must sign in within 10 minutes of the seminar starting to receive credit.
This is all well and good, but I have asked before about the possibility of archiving these seminars via youtube or some other venue for those of us who are non-traditional students who cannot attend daytime activities. UMKC actively recruits non-traditional students, but does not supply us with access to the same resources as traditional students receive. For those students who work days or who are in class during these seminars, it would be a GREAT benefit to have them available for download.
I have made this request before but never even received the courtesy of a response. I hope you will respond this time. Thank you.
I apologize if I missed your request for more information regarding these seminars. I will check with the staff who put these presentations together if there are materials we can post for students who cannot make the seminars or if there are other resources we can provide in USucceed. I will let you know what I find out and post the information in reply to your comment in USucceed for all students.
Thank you for alerting me to your concerns and I hope to have some more information for you soon!
I have found out that they are not videoing these sessions because they are required for a group of students. However, there are some on-line resources about relaxation and meditation techniques on the Counseling Center’s website that may be useful: