New Student Activity Funding policies and bylaws for 2014-2015
On April 28, 2014 the Student Activity Funds Committee (SAFC) voted and approved bylaw changes that will affect the funding structure for students and student organizations. The new policies will take effect beginning July 1, 2014. Students, especially those responsible for student organizations, are requested to review the new guidelines and bylaws of the SAFC.
As our student organizations grow, it is important that the partnership between the organization and advisor remain active and collaborative. All budgets are to be created by students involved in the organizations, utilizing their advisors as a resource and support during this process. If additional support is needed students can always contact the Student Government Association or the Office of Student Involvement for support with the development of budgets or individual requests.
All updated documents reflecting the student approved changes to the bylaws are located on RooGroups—SGA Funding Guidelines, Funding Request Form, SGA-SAFC Bylaws and Specific Standards. Below is a synopsis of a few of the changes, but it is to your benefit to carefully read the new policies and bylaws found in RooGroups prior to submitting any budget request.
- The SAFC will receive annual budget requests from divisional and secondary councils only.
- All other organizations may only request funds on an event-by-event basis. A complete list of Divisional and Secondary Councils are located in the Student Government Association Constitution. Any group not listed in the SGA Constitution is considered an “organization.”
- Annual budgets or event-by-event forms that are not submitted using the Funding Request Form will be automatically rejected.
A list of Specific Standards is available which contains details regarding specific amounts that SAFC will recommend for food, advertising, etc. These standards should be reviewed by an organization prior to submitting a funding request to ensure accuracy of the request.
In order to assist with organizational operating expenses, the Seed Fund, an annual allotment, will be provided for student organizations. This funding will be given either directly to organizations or collectively to the respective Divisional or Secondary councils as a lump sum. The amount of the Seed Fund will be determined annually by the SAFC.
The Seed Fund will be divided equally by the total number of student organizations, including councils, and allocated by a formula either collectively to the council or individually to the council’s respective organizations.
- Example One: The Divisional Council (School of Medicine) represents ten (10) organizations. The SAFC determines the formula amount as two hundred and fifty dollars ($250). Each of the ten (10) organizations may have two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) automatically deposited in their respective accounts at the beginning of the academic year without requesting those funds. Collective allotments are allocated to a Divisional or Secondary Council.
- Example Two: The Divisional Council (School of Medicine) represents ten (10) organizations. The SAFC determines the formula amount as two hundred and fifty dollars ($250). The Divisional Council (School of Medicine) may receive two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) as one lump sum at the beginning of the academic year.
- To improve oversight and accountability of funds, an auditor will be employed to verify funds are spent in the manner they are allocated by SAFC. The Auditor will review when and how funds were spent but it will be the responsibility of the SAFC to draw conclusions from those reports.
- The Auditor will be a paid student position. Details regarding the responsibilities and application process can be found forthcoming on RooGroups.
Again, please review the updated changes with the appropriate representatives of your organization as well as with your advisor to understand the changes. The work of the SAFC is designed to improve processes and support students in providing quality programing and events to enhance the vibrancy of our campus community.
If you have questions please feel free to connect with the Office of Student involvement Director, Dr. Angela Cottrell.