Learning about Mindfulness

Did you know UMKC Counseling Services offers more than just individual counseling?
Workshops are a great opportunity for students to learn valuable skills and success strategies. Students are welcome to repeat the workshop in order to strengthen and hone newly developed skills!
Group counseling helps students learn more about themselves and their relationships. Groups are a powerful and effective option for most emotional concerns.
Enrolled UMKC students are eligible to attend workshops and group counseling. These services are confidential, effective, and free. See available workshops and groups listed below for more information.
How do students participate in Workshops and/or Group Counseling at UMKC Counseling Services? In order to access group counseling and workshops, students must call UMKC Counseling Services at 816-235-1635 to schedule a 30-minute initial consultation appointment. Students should indicate their interest in a particular group or workshop when scheduling the Initial Consultation appointment. UMKC Counseling Services is located in the Brookside 51 Building: 5110 Oak Street, Suite 201.
More information about UMKC Counseling Services.
Building Mindfulness
Workshop participants learn skills for managing stress, thinking more clearly, and being more present in daily life. Participants also learn about the science that makes mindfulness work! An initial consultation appointment at UMKC Counseling Services is not required to participate in this workshop. 40 to 50 minutes per session
Mind over Mood
This three session series focuses on creating flexibility to deal with whatever brings participants into counseling. Students build skills that include mindfulness, acceptance and understanding how to get “un-stuck”. Workshop attendees learn how to focus on what really matters to them. Personal sharing is but not required to participate in this workshop series. Workshop participants receive a workbook filled with in-session exercises as well as stress management information, coping skills, and mindfulness strategies. This workshop meets for three consecutive weeks. 50 minutes per session / 3 sessions
Group Counseling:
Acing Academic Anxiety
A group for those who experience anxiety around exams. Participants learn to make anxiety work for them – not against them – by becoming familiar with the true role of anxiety, the ways in which our brains trick us, and tips and strategies for becoming comfortable with discomfort. 75 minutes per session / 4 consecutive weeks
Body Wellness Group
In this group, members explore their relationship with body image, food, and weight and how that relationship shapes their lives. This group is a safe space in which to explore these concerns. In addition to receiving and giving support, group members begin developing effective coping strategies. 60 minutes per session / once per week
Interpersonal Process Group
In this group, students actively engage in working on treatment goals through interaction with others who share similar goals. By processing concerns and helping to support others, students learn valuable skills such as coping, emotion management, effective communication, and giving and receiving empathy. This is a great way for students to gain a better understanding of themselves and others. This group generally has 6 to 9 members and is facilitated by two mental health professionals. 90 minutes per session / once per week
Reset vs. React: Skills for Managing Emotions
Reset vs. React is an 8-week group that focuses on learning, practicing and processing skills to help students effectively manage emotions and daily experiences. Skills taught include mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness. 60 minutes per session / once per week
Whole-Self Healing: Trauma-Sensitive Yoga
Led by one of our staff psychologists who is also a RYT 200 yoga and meditation instructor, this yoga group is for those in recovery from any kind of trauma. The objective of trauma-sensitive yoga is not to access emotions or dredge up trauma memories, but rather to help group members heighten their body awareness—to notice what is happening inside their bodies—and thereby learn to release tension, reduce and control fear and arousal, and tolerate sensation. Whether it is a recent trauma or something long standing, this experience will help reestablish connection between mind and body in an evidence-based treatment. This group is suitable for the first-timer as well as the experienced yogi. An initial consultation appointment at UMKC Counseling Services is not required in order to participate. 60 to 75 minutes per session / once per week