Half-way done! How are you doing?
So, we’re about half-way through the semester. How are you doing? It’s a simple question that can help you catch problems before it’s too late to fix them. It also helps you stay on top of things so the end of the semester isn’t such a hectic time!
So what should you be thinking about? The Top 4 things to consider are:
- Attendance: are you going to class? It may seem so easy, but resist the temptation to skip class. Professors will give you everything you need to be successful on their exams…but that’s only if you’re in class to hear it!
- Assignments: are you finishing them? Even if your professor doesn’t grade them, their purpose is the help you succeed. Doing the assignments now will likely end up saving you time when you start preparing for the exam! And don’t put off those class projects until the week before they’re due! Review the syllabus to make sure you’re on track and not missing anything. Use your planner or other organizational tool to help you make a schedule and stick to it.
- Academic Resources: are you using them? There are multiple resources on campus with a specific goal of your academic success. Supplemental Instruction, Math and Science Tutoring, Foreign Language Resource Center, University Libraries, and the Writing Studio are all available to give you additional support. Be sure to ask your professor if you don’t understand a concept or problem–they are here to help!
- Health: take care of yourself! The worst thing that could possibly happen that dreaded week you have tests in every class is to get sick. Eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep each night can fight off any infection you might come into contact with. Plus you’ll feel better, and you’ll be able to focus on everything you need to get done! Swinney Recreation Center, the MindBody Connection, and Student Health and Wellness are all on-campus resources to help stay healthy.