Drive Safely This Winter!

By , December 6, 2011 8:14 am

As cold weather sets in and we think about traveling home for the holidays, there are some important steps we can take to ensure safe travel back and forth.  Midwest weather is always surprising! 

If you are driving, make sure your car is winter-ready.  Check the fluid levels (especially the anti-freeze) and tire pressure.  Make sure your wipers are in good condition. Also, have an emergency roadside kit. provides a list that will give you a great start to your own kit!

When you get your car all ready to brave the winter roads, make sure you get yourself prepared as well. Tell someone where you’re going and when you expect to arrive. This ensures that someone knows where you should be, and can call for help if something happens to you. Charge your cell phone in case you need it. If you are driving far, it is best to check road conditions for your entire trip before you leave. Road conditions can be found on each state’s Department of Transportation website. Missouri road conditions can be found here, and Kansas road conditions can be found here. If you find that road conditions are not good, make sure you only drive when absolutely necessary. Be sure to leave plenty of time for travel. Don’t get in a hurry- that’s when accidents happen.  And always wear your seatbelt!

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