Do you work on campus? Get your W-2 electronically!

By , November 19, 2013 9:18 am

w2-formStudents who work on campus–you can receive your W-2 faster and greener by e-consenting to receive it electronically!  

The 2013 W-2 will be available in January, but you are encouraged to log in to myHR now to provide consent to receive your W-2 in electronic format.  By providing consent before December 31, 2013, you will be notified via email as soon as your W-2 is ready for viewing in myHR.  Electronic access to your W-2 in myHR will be much quicker than waiting for a hard copy of the tax statement to arrive in your postal mailbox.  The process is secure and worry-free.

Act now so you do not miss the end of the year deadline!

Log in to myHR ( and navigate to Self Service > Payroll and Compensation > W-2/W-2c Consent to provide your consent.

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