Constitution Day 2018

By , September 7, 2018 11:56 am

UMKC will celebrate Constitution Day on Monday, September 17, 2018 with an event sponsored by the UMKC School of Law:  Seize Your Rights – a Forum on 4th Amendment Rights.  The session is at noon in the School of Law Student Lounge.

Moderated by Law School faculty, local law enforcement, and attorneys, the session will focus on how the Bill of Rights applies to individuals as well as our rights and responsibilities.

Constitution Day 2018 is co-sponsored by The American Constitution Society, ACLU Law Student Alliance, and The Federalist Society.

Constitution Day became a recognized federal holiday in 2004, when legislation authored by Senator Robert Byrd was signed into law.  The Act mandates that all educational institutions that receive public funding provide educational programming on the history of the American Constitution on or near September 17th each year.


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