Civil Engineering Students’ Design Improves MO Route 50
[The following was provided by UMKC’s Office of Public Relations.]
Students in the School of Computing and Engineering’s Fall 2009/Spring 2010 Civil Engineering Capstone Design course, taught by Professor Deborah O’Bannon and Adjunct Professor Thomas Kimes, created a design that the Missouri Department of Transportation recently used to improve traffic operations along Route 50 in eastern Jackson County. The improved highway section in Lone Jack, MO was formally opened on November 9th at a special ribbon-cutting event.
During the 2009-2010 academic year, MoDOT partnered with UMKC to give Civil Engineering students an opportunity to receive hands-on experience while creating a design to improve traffic operations at five intersections along Route 50 in eastern Jackson County. The students were tasked with the job of using innovative design techniques to find viable solutions to improve these areas. Through close interaction with MoDOT engineers, the students created a design that met MoDOT’s approval and was constructed along this section of Route 50.